
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cirak or Easter Cheese

This is a traditional Czechoslovakian Easter delicacy.


1 dozen eggs
4 cups milk
1 tsp salt

Use a heavy saucepan (but not aluminum or cast iron, as they tend to discolor egg mixtures). Non-stick, glass, stainless steel or vitrified porcelain are best. Keep the heat low or use pad heat diffuser to avoid sticking. Pour milk in pan, add salt, break eggs in one at a time, breaking yolks. Cook, stirring slowly, until mixture resembles scrambled eggs. Line a bowl with four layers of cheesecloth and pour in egg mixture. Tie up corners and drain one hour, suspended over a bowl (tie around a faucet and put the bowl beneath it). Place on wire mesh rack or reed mat and weight with a heavy object; press and drain about two hours. Carefully remove cheese from bag to avoid breaking; chill. Can be sliced.

Delicious with a hearty bread toasted and ham.

*Recipe from Mary Jo Heinen from Whole Foods For The Whole Family La Leche League International Cookbook 1981.

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